Today’s Hours

Discover the story of the incredible machine that is your body!

MSC’s newest exhibit and its largest at over 12,000 square feet. This new exhibit is a hands-on exploration of a remarkable machine we know as the human body. You—The Inside Story, presented by Johns Hopkins Medicine, takes a look at our senses, our unique traits and features, and challenges both the mind and muscles.

Exhibit Highlights

  • Take a ride on a Maryland Science Center classic – The Bed of Nails
  • Distort your perception in the Ames Room
  • Test your operation skills in our parasite removal game

Test the workings of your body’s systems

Push the physical limits of your body’s strength and balance in the “Put Your Body to the Test” area to discover how your body’s systems work together to achieve goals and surpass challenges.

Do your senses deceive you?

We rely on our senses every day to perceive and navigate the world around us, but what happens when they’re all thrown off. Perceive your surroundings in a new way and take on challenges while we trick your senses in the “Senses and Perception” area.

Be both intrigued and disgusted

The grossest parts of the human body can sometimes be the most entertaining and interesting. Explore the not-so-flattering parts of the human body in the “Gross, Ick, Yuck” area, including earwax genetics!

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