Today’s Hours

Take a walk down Main Street and discover how science interacts with your everyday life.

Wander past iconic Baltimore landmarks while solving puzzles, exploring physics, and completing engineering challenges at various shops, a construction zone, and even the airport.

Exhibit Highlights

  • Use catapults to have a “food fight” at the Chaos Café
  • Experiment with angles and surface material to test bounce in our drop tower
  • Design your own paper airplane and launch it at the airport using a mechanical launcher

Stroll through Science

In this Baltimore-inspired exhibit brick rowhome storefronts line the road — but don’t just window shop, each store has its own related problems to solve and activities to complete. Work together on some and challenge your family and friends on others.

Explore how gears work at the Bike Shop. Learn about sound in the Music Store. Discover the properties of flight at the airport. Understand leverage and pulleys in the construction zone, and lots more in this streetscape exhibit that will have you strolling through science.