Today’s Hours

Discover the patterns that make up the world around us!

Dive into one of our newest exhibits to explore the different ways that nature relies on math. Recreate and demonstrate the very same patterns that show up in the natural world in Math in Nature. 

Exhibit Highlights 

  • Create a unique Voronoi pattern with friends and family on our interactive LED floor. 
  • Use our wind wall to demonstrate and observe patterns of movement. 
  • Explore the mathematical rules that dictate the development of natural entities with our symmetry mirrors.

It’s not as random as it seems 

When looking around at the natural world, it may seem like what you see is all random – but take a closer look and you’ll find that nature follows specific mathematical rules. From flocking birds to water ripples, the spots on a giraffe to wind patterns, these natural entities follow rules that can be predicted through math. Discover, explore and recreate the variety of patterns that nature relies on with our Voronoi floor, Boid simulator, Tessellation wall, and more.