Today’s Hours


Flight Fest Online

Maryland Science Center
Nov. 14, 12 - 4pm
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Go sky high from the comfort of home!

Join us for Flight Fest on November 14 from noon to 4pm with activities and live demonstrations! Create and test your own double loop glider. Blast off with DIY soda bottle stomp rockets. Explore the world of RC fliers and model planes with the Chesapeake Bay RC Club. Even take in a little bird watching  with some local birds of prey from Irvine Nature Center!

How do I participate in Flight Fest Online?

Join us here, where activities will be posted according to a schedule (Facebook Live Videos will be posted once completed). You can also get access to all activities on our Facebook page at the scheduled times.


12:00PM – Build a loop glider

Use simple materials to build and test a flying loop glider.

Science at Home

1:00PM – live with the Chesapeake bay rc club

Join us live from the Maryland Science Center as we learn about remote controlled fliers with the Chesapeake Bay RC Club.


2:00PM – Live with Irvine Nature Center

Peek in on a live raptor talk with the Irvine Nature Center as they introduce us to two local birds of prey.


3:00PM – Soda bottle stomp rockets

Turn a 2-liter bottle into a stomp rocket that you can launch again and again!

Science at Home

3:45PM – egg drop challenge

Enjoy an egg drop without any of the mess, or get inspired to take this challenge on at home! Join us live one more time as we watch egg piloted contraptions drop down to the lobby floor from atop our central staircase.



  • 8.5 x 11″ sheets of paper
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Paper or plastic drinking straws (at least two straight and one bendy)
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Cleaned plastic 2- liter soda bottle with a cap (You can also try using a 1-liter, 16-ounce, or 8-ounce bottle.)
  • Drill or screwdriver
  • Clay or playdough